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01523 Soundiron Voice Of Wind Adey v1.1 KONTAKT 风之声 空灵抒情女声 Soundiron Sick 7 Voices Of The Dead 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2020-12-27 20:08:47上线。视频内容简介:拥有8753种独特的声音,是真正的野兽!《病态恐怖和悬念》系列的最后一册将这一切与全新的生物和人类战斗声音工具箱,令人毛骨悚然的工业打击乐器以及新鲜的大气恐怖和悬念声音设计元素联系在一起。 资源体积 551M 资源格式 KONTAKT 运行环境 Win Mac 功能类型 音效 音色规格 非标准 Soundiron Voice Of Wind Adey v1.1 KONTAKT 风之声 空灵抒情女声-软音源基地 Soundiron Hyperion Strings Elements Donald Hwang {follow328065489 ? '已关注' : '关注'} {fansNum328065489} 2019年12月11 Soundiron Whale Drum v2.0 KONTAKTThe Whale Drum is a modern example of one of the world’s oldest known instrument families: the tongue or slit drum. These 鲸鱼鼓 Soundiron Whale Drum v2.0 KONTAKT 欢迎前来淘宝网实力旺铺,选购陶罐鼓Soundiron TBILAT民族打击kontakt手鼓音色音源采样小打,想了解更多陶罐鼓Soundiron TBILAT民族打击kontakt手鼓音色音源采样小打,请进入网娱新视界的云起职业音乐实力旺铺,更多商品任你选购 预览 Soundiron 发布 Luftballon 2.0 派对气球音源 New: 66audio: 219: 66audio 6 天前: 预览 IK Multimedia 提供 Syntronik Memory-V 采样合成器音源免费下载: 6552390: 1095: hy598934321 7 天前: 预览 Best Service 人声合唱音源合集: cherub: 3340: Phil_Fish 7 天前 SUBSCRIBE! this video Nathan Boler w Soundiron UFO 61 v1.0 KONTAKT 1.16Gb 我们的原始藏书在购买Omega图书馆3年后将获得50%的折扣。 这个非凡的软件包让您可以访问超过115个专业乐器样本库,几乎涵盖了所有乐器类别和流派,价格比正常价格低85%以上。 软音源基地为企业提供Soundiron Elysium Harp KONTAKT 竖琴,Soundiron Elysium Harp KONTAKT 竖琴价格,Soundiron Elysium Harp KONTAKT 竖琴参数相关信息. 编曲资源库是国内最优质的编曲资源网,为音乐编曲梦想助力!包含电音制作,原创音乐,管弦乐,电影游戏配乐,音效设计等各类风格的宿主,采样,效果器,音源,教程等素材,资源分享,是独立音乐人,影视游戏配乐师,电音制作人,音乐爱好者最喜爱的网站! Temple Drums by SOUNDIRON is multi-sampled hall percussion library recorded in a stone-walled underground chamber giving a crisp, bright and lush vibe.


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Soundiron – Lakeside Pipe Organ (KONTAKT) Vstcrack January 9, 2021 All vst4free 0. Now, in this post, you are going to download Soundiron – Lakeside Pipe Organ (KONTAKT), via direct link. Soundiron 发布新的女声采样库 Voice Of Wind: Audrey. Voice Of Wind: Audrey 是 Soundiron 模块化女声独唱系列 Voices of Wind 的第三卷。这个系列的每一卷都专注于一位具有独创风格的新歌手,并配备了一整套必要 Soundiron specifically gears their libraries toward seasoned pros and working musicians in the film, television, advertising, video game, and music recording arts.


Soundiron. 8,131 likes · 32 talking about this.

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Description: Bizarre Sitar at first glance may not seem so strange. Home KONTAKT Soundiron - Riq Drum v2.0 (KONTAKT) Soundiron - Riq Drum v2.0 (KONTAKT) Androvinsoft April 04, 2021 . Publisher : Soundiron. Website : soundiron. The Ruler is a deeply sampled ruler and tape measure library that takes our love of exploring sonic world even further. We recorded 30 notes Soundiron 新的女声采样库 Voice Of Wind: Audrey 发布 Voice Of Wind: Audrey 是 Soundiron 模块化女声独唱系列 Voices of Wind 的第三卷。 这个系列的每一卷都专注于一位具有独创风格的新歌手,并配备了一整套必要的半音和旋律发音,声音听起来很棒,可以轻松用于任意音乐或视频制作项目。 欢迎前来淘宝网选购热销商品风之声 空灵抒情女声Soundiron Voice Of Wind Adey v1.1 KONTAKT,想了解更多风之声 空灵抒情女声Soundiron Voice Of Wind Adey v1.1 KONTAKT,请进入尚艺精品超市的店铺,更多null商品任你选购 五款独奏/合唱人声乐器音源,音域横跨女高音, 男高音,中音以及低音音域,随时 使用你想要的声音。 全部由Soundiron 的专业设计师所倾力打造。 带你领略四位尊贵的歌剧人声精华,包含古典女高音、女低音、男高音以及低音 音域。 虚拟乐器,以其无妥协的音质和深层的灵活性帮助音乐人们完成各类声音 创作。 使用平台: 免费的KONTAKT PLAYER , 或KONTAKT 。 下载大小: 13 GB. 全世界独立音乐人都用最好的编曲软音源音色VST插件乐器下载kontakt音源包 Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor 狂喜男高音. Strezov Sampling Storm Choir  Soundiron Venus Symphonic Women's Choir | 27GB Soundiron是自豪地介绍 他们的一系列功能强大, Soundiron加入了以前的合唱团采样,以使金星显得 格外可玩,多样化参数调制,超级华丽的声音。 下载价格: 1 人民币.

Release: Soundiron.Sick.4.KONTAKT.SCD.DVDR-SONiTUS Size […] 欢迎来到Soundiron Street二胡的表现音色库! 街二胡是一个真正独特的现场演奏乐句库,其中包含4600多种高质量的中国传统二胡小提琴乐句。 此系列重达6 GB以上,涵盖了8种不同的二胡小提琴,从低音到高音,以及各种调音。 Soundiron is a premium developer of virtual instruments and sample libraries for songwriters, composers and sound designers. We are a team of sound designers, programmers, audio engineers, artists Software (129) Apply Software filter Virtual Instruments (126) Apply Virtual Instruments filter Samplers (115) Apply Samplers filter Drums & Percussion (59) Apply Drums & Percussion filter Orchestra (26) Apply Orchestra filter Keys & Synth (25) Apply Keys & Synth filter Guitar & Bass (3) Apply Guitar & Bass filter Bundles & Workstations (1) Apply Bundles & Workstations filter Soundiron Voices Of Rage Kontakt | 3.06GB 愤怒之声是一个积极的死亡金属,核心和强大的金属声乐库,结合了令人敬畏的声乐表演,强大的单词和抒情构建系统,节奏同步短语步骤序列特征,多种麦克风,机架多FX和吨前沿内容和能力。 Soundiron_Olympus_Elements_choir SOUNDIRON Horror Collection. For as low as $229, get The Soundiron Horror Collection featuring a diverse and comprehensive selection of unique professional sound effects, ambiences, atmospheres, foley, creature effects, percussion and musical instruments that are perfectly suited for horror and science fiction sound design for films, games, web media, sound designers and anyone working in We captured in wide stereo from three distinct microphone distances (internal, external/mid and far/hall) to allow custom and surround mixing and provide different ambient flavorings. It has a crisp, solid tone ideal for classical composing, yet works equally well for soul, jazz, rock and pop. 01523 Soundiron Voice Of Wind Adey v1.1 KONTAKT 风之声 空灵抒情女声 Soundiron Sick 7 Voices Of The Dead 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2020-12-27 20:08:47上线。视频内容简介:拥有8753种独特的声音,是真正的野兽!《病态恐怖和悬念》系列的最后一册将这一切与全新的生物和人类战斗声音工具箱,令人毛骨悚然的工业打击乐器以及新鲜的大气恐怖和悬念声音设计元素联系在一起。 资源体积 551M 资源格式 KONTAKT 运行环境 Win Mac 功能类型 音效 音色规格 非标准 Soundiron Voice Of Wind Adey v1.1 KONTAKT 风之声 空灵抒情女声-软音源基地 Soundiron Hyperion Strings Elements Donald Hwang {follow328065489 ? '已关注' : '关注'} {fansNum328065489} 2019年12月11 Soundiron Whale Drum v2.0 KONTAKTThe Whale Drum is a modern example of one of the world’s oldest known instrument families: the tongue or slit drum.


Apocalypse Percussion Elements is a massive library of over 4,000 high-quality samples ranging from entire drum ensembles to individual drums, cymbals and percussion instruments such as bongos, cajons, gongs and more. USD 99 . Play. Soundiron Shudder KONTAKT | 1.25 Gb 《颤栗》收集了501个独特的残缺的、被摧毁的、深沉的、噩梦般的、有故障的打击乐器样本,还有FX、stingers、risers和所有的无人机,你将需要为你的下一个恐怖片配乐。 5/4/2021 · Elektronik 25是来自Soundiron经典键盘系列(Vintage Keys)音色库的最新成员,主要面向弦乐、风琴和铜管乐,具有非常少见的历史音色。这是一款来自前苏联时代的备受追捧的合成器。带有丰富的弦乐音色,可以让您的… 我们在Soundiron的这里已经改装了经典乐器,并释放了经典音乐设备的所有潜力。 该库专为Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5或更高版本的完整零售版而设计! Soundiron. 8,124 likes · 8 talking about this. Soundiron makes unique and inspiring virtual instruments designed to inspire and help you create better music. Release: Soundiron.Sick.4.KONTAKT.SCD.DVDR-SONiTUS Size […] 欢迎来到Soundiron Street二胡的表现音色库! 街二胡是一个真正独特的现场演奏乐句库,其中包含4600多种高质量的中国传统二胡小提琴乐句。 此系列重达6 GB以上,涵盖了8种不同的二胡小提琴,从低音到高音,以及各种调音。 Soundiron is a premium developer of virtual instruments and sample libraries for songwriters, composers and sound designers.

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Soundiron Apocalypse Percussion Elements is epic to its core - dripping with cinematic glory, it’s an onslaught of pounding orchestral bangs, resonant non-Western percussion, and more. And it’s all designed for sequencing and shaping with Live. Listen to a preview below: Packs by Soundiron . Play. Sounds Apocalypse Percussion Elements 制作: Soundiron. Apocalypse Percussion Elements is a massive library of over 4,000 high-quality samples ranging from entire drum ensembles to individual drums, cymbals and percussion instruments such as bongos, cajons, gongs and more.

Listen to a preview below: Packs by Soundiron . Play. Sounds Apocalypse Percussion Elements 制作: Soundiron. Apocalypse Percussion Elements is a massive library of over 4,000 high-quality samples ranging from entire drum ensembles to individual drums, cymbals and percussion instruments such as bongos, cajons, gongs and more. USD 99 . Play.

8,131 likes · 32 talking about this. Soundiron makes unique and inspiring virtual instruments designed to inspire and help you create better music. Soundiron - Bizarre Sitar 3.0 (KONTAKT) Androvinsoft April 05, 2021 . Publisher : Soundiron. Website : soundiron. Format : KONTAKT FULL (K'ed) 5.5.2+ Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo. Description: Bizarre Sitar at first glance may not seem so strange.