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CASHFLOW 101 (Flusso di cassa 101) è un gioco di investimento educativo, guida al famoso gioco “CASHFLOW” di Robert Kiyosaki, progettato per insegnare ai giocatori le capacità di investimento e come convertire i loro risparmi in reddito passivo. Il gioco insegna i principi di analisi dell'attività economica, l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria. Сash Flow Play online game - Personal capital management simulator - latest updates 25.2020 Cashflow 101 - Jogo Corrida Dos Ratos - Português. Adicionar aos favoritos.

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Simply enter Passive Income property info, take out a loan or pay off debt and your new cashflow is figured for you. Cashflow is a simple and intelligent mobile app that helps you improve business cash flow and relationships.

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The first game mainly focused on … Cashflow College 101. 318 likes · 2 talking about this. We believe passive cashflow is the key that unlocks the door to financial freedom. Cashflow 101 and 202 are great games that require calculations, double checks and a big eraser. With these Excel spreadsheets all that is taken care of for you. Simply enter Passive Income property info, take out a loan or pay off debt and your new cashflow is figured for you. Cashflow is a simple and intelligent mobile app that helps you improve business cash flow and relationships.

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Simply enter Passive Income property info, take out a loan or pay off debt and your new cashflow is figured for you. Cashflow is a simple and intelligent mobile app that helps you improve business cash flow and relationships. Also, it's free! See how your business is doing.

GETTING STARTED. SEE VIDEO BELOW We sell both Cashflow (New Edition) and Cashflow for Kids. Buy both and save R50. Cashflow (New Edition) Updated for 2021 View Cashflow for Kids For ages 6+.